May 16, 2018

Wyden Cheers Senate Vote to Protect the Open Internet and Preserve Net Neutrality

Washington, D.C. –  U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., applauded the Senate vote today to reverse the Federal Communication Commission’s misguided decision to end net neutrality protection, which would harm consumers, innovation and the open internet.

Today’s vote in the Senate is the biggest win for internet freedom since we blocked PIPA and SOPA from becoming law. Now we’re a step closer to putting real net neutrality rules back on the books,” Wyden said. “Now it’s time for the House to do its job and make sure that the Trump administration doesn’t let big cable companies cash in on American consumers by increasing prices on the content that Americans already consume. Voting for this resolution is a vote for a truly free internet. A vote against it is a vote for less choice, fewer independent voices and higher prices online.”

Wyden spoke on the Senate floor shortly before the vote. View his floor speech here.

Wyden has led the fight for an open internet for more than a decade, authoring the first strong net neutrality bill in the Senate in 2006. He strongly supported former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s move to formalize strong net neutrality rules in 2015, and has fought current FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s misguided, anti-consumer, pro-Big Cable agenda to end net neutrality.