January 17, 2017

Wyden Presses Interior Secretary Nominee on Public Lands, Sage Grouse, Recreation and Forestry in Senate Panel Hearing

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today pressed Rep. Ryan Zinke, the incoming administration’s nominee to be the next secretary of the Interior Department, on a number of Oregon priorities, including upholding current sage grouse plans, boosting the recreation economy, finding sustainable forestry policies and protecting and managing public lands.

“Oregonians have long held certain things dear: open access to public lands and recreation opportunities, clean air and clean water and I intend to keep pushing the incoming administration to ensure it hears us. When it comes to creating jobs while also protecting our natural treasures, I’ve long called for collaborative approaches as a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee,” Wyden said. “I pressed Rep. Zinke on the need to keep working in a collaborative way to protect and properly manage our public lands, create jobs in rural communities, uphold the current federal sage grouse plans and find balanced, sustainable future forestry policies while protecting the environment.”

Wyden questioned Zinke at the hearing today and in written questions he submitted for more detailed answers. The committee has not yet scheduled a vote on Zinke’s nomination.
