Bill # | Bill Description | Updated |
S.508 | Sponsored — Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act | |
S.1172 | Cosponsored — A bill to impose sanctions with respect to foreign persons responsible for gross violations of internationally recognized human rights against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and for other purposes. | |
S.1158 | Cosponsored — A bill to help prevent acts of genocide and other atrocity crimes, which threaten national and international security, by enhancing United States Government capacities to prevent, mitigate, and respond to such crises. | |
S.1162 | Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for the refinancing of certain Federal student loans, and for other purposes. | |
S.1143 | Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Equal Credit Opportunity Act to prohibit discrimination on account of sexual orientation or gender identity when extending credit. | |
S.1136 | Cosponsored — Pell Grant Preservation and Expansion Act | |
S.513 | Sponsored — Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area Designation Act | |
S.1105 | Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to transfer certain funds to the 1974 United Mine Workers of America Pension Plan, and for other purposes. | |
S.1109 | Cosponsored — Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2017 | |
S.1106 | Cosponsored — National Nurse Act of 2017 | |
S.1114 | Cosponsored — A bill to nullify the effect of the recent Executive order laying a foundation for discrimination against LGBTQ individuals, women, religious minorities, and others under the pretext of religious freedom. | |
S.1092 | Cosponsored — A bill to protect the right of law-abiding citizens to transport knives interstate, notwithstanding a patchwork of local and State prohibitions. | |
S.1089 | Cosponsored — A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to review and update a report on the energy and environmental benefits of the re-refining of used lubricating oil. | |
S.225 | Sponsored — Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clarification Act | |
S.1064 | Cosponsored — Anti-Lunch Shaming Act of 2017 | |
S.1068 | Sponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for increased investment in clean energy. | |
S.1045 | Cosponsored — A bill to guarantee coverage of certain women's preventive services under all health plans. | |
S.1061 | Cosponsored — A bill to assure equity in contracting between the Federal Government and small business concerns, and for other purposes. | |
S.1051 | Cosponsored — Taiwan Travel Act | |
S.1050 | Cosponsored — Chinese-American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act |
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