Press Releases
Wyden, Colleagues Reintroduce PREPARE Act to Reauthorize SBA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden said today he has joined Senate colleagues in reintroducing bipartisan legislation that would provide small businesses with low-interest loans to proactively protect their property from future disaster-related damage. "With natural disasters posing greater and greater risk to our communities, it's critical the federal government provide small businesses with the resources they need to protect themselves against disaster-related damage," Wyden said. … Continue Reading
May 13, 2021
Wyden, Merkley Reintroduce Legislation to Help Recreation and Wildfire Prevention Work in SW Oregon and Near Molalla River
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced the reintroduction of their legislation that would boost recreation opportunities in Southwestern Oregon and on the Molalla River in Clackamas County, while ensuring wildfire prevention work in both of those regions. The senators' Oregon Recreation Enhancement (ORE) Act would create the Rogue Canyon Recreation Area and the Molalla Recreation Area, expand the Wild Rogue Wilderness Area, and prohibit destructive mining on … Continue Reading
May 13, 2021
Wyden, Welch Introduce Legislation to Improve Child Nutrition
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and U.S. Representative Peter Welch, D-Vt., today introduced the Local School Foods Expansion Act, legislation to improve child nutrition by expanding access to locally-grown, unprocessed fruits and vegetables for school meal programs. "Students deserve every resource to ensure their academic success, and their physical well-being is a key piece to the puzzle. Every child should have access to healthy, fresh meals, no matter their zip-code or … Continue Reading
May 13, 2021
Wyden, Merkley: Coquille Indian Tribe to Receive $180,000 Grant for Economic Development
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the Coquille Indian Tribe will receive $180,000 from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to build an economic development planning framework that supports private capital investment and job creation in the Coos County region. "Investments like this are key to continued tribal sovereignty in Coos County and throughout our state," Wyden said. "After more than a year of the pandemic that has been … Continue Reading
May 12, 2021
Merkley, Wyden Announce Over $1.6 Million in Federal Investments in Mass Wood Products
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden today announced that $1,611,351 in federal funds to support mass wood product production and affordable housing construction are headed to Oregon through a program Merkley spearheaded in 2018. "We have been working to establish Oregon as a hub for mass timber products, using local timber and bolstering our forest products economy," said Merkley, who is the Chair of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds the U.S. … Continue Reading
May 12, 2021
Wyden: Colonial Pipeline Hack Shows New Cyber Standards and Accountability for Lax Cybersecurity Are Needed to Protect American Critical Infrastructure
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, today issued the following statement on responding to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack: "The shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline by cyber-criminals highlights a massive problem - many of the companies running our critical infrastructure have left their systems vulnerable to hackers through dangerously negligent cybersecurity. These corporate failures pose a severe threat to national security. Congress … Continue Reading
May 12, 2021
Wyden, Merkley: Oregon Communities Will Receive Nearly $13 Million For Emergency Housing Vouchers
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that 31 Oregon counties and cities will receive about $12.8 million in federal resources from the American Rescue Plan to provide emergency housing vouchers for individuals and families who are homeless; at risk of homelessness; fleeing, or trying to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. "The economic devastation touched off by this public health crisis has magnified … Continue Reading
May 10, 2021
Wyden, Merkley: Oregon to Receive More than $220 Million in Additional Emergency Rental Assistance
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that Oregon will receive about $222.5 million in federal resources from the American Rescue Plan for emergency rental assistance. "Housing is a human right, and building back better from the economic impact of this health crisis demands addressing the year of past due rent piling up on thousands of Oregonians struggling to make ends meet," Wyden said. "With nearly 7 million Americans reportedly behind on rent, this … Continue Reading
May 07, 2021
Wyden, Merkley: Eugene Water and Electric Board to Receive More than $1 Million for Crucial Updates
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) has earned a $1.14 million grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to harden the power grid in areas that were devastated in recent years by ice storms and wildfire. "This is a public safety issue. The 2020 Labor Day fires as well as recent ice storms have reinforced the need for a significant investment in a resilient power grid," Wyden said. … Continue Reading
May 07, 2021
Merkley, Wyden Announce $255,000 Federal Investment in Lincoln County Broadband Expansion
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden today announced that the Economic Development Administration is investing $255,200 in broadband expansion projects in Lincoln County. "As we set out to recover and rebuild in the wake of this pandemic, we need to make sure that every Oregonian-no matter where they live, where they work, or what they look like-has the tools they need to be healthy and thrive," said Merkley. "Those tools must include access to telehealth … Continue Reading
May 05, 2021
Merkley, Wyden, Bonamici Continue to Advocate for Tongue Point Job Corps Center with Department of Labor
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, along with U.S. Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR-01), today wrote to the Department of Labor (DOL) to follow up on a number of areas of concern among the North Coast community regarding the operations of the Tongue Point Job Corps Center (TPJCC). "The City of Astoria, and furthermore, all of Clatsop County, are experiencing a severe affordable housing shortage. In fact, today, there are only fifteen total available … Continue Reading
May 04, 2021
Merkley, Wyden Push to Expand Smith River National Recreation Area to Include Oregon
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden today announced they will be introducing legislation to expand the Smith River National Recreation Area by 58,000 acres, which would protect the diverse ecosystems of the rivers, streams, and adjacent lands of the North Fork Smith River watershed, and help boost the local fishing and recreation industries that many Oregon families rely on. In 1990, Congress enacted legislation to establish the Smith River National Recreation … Continue Reading
May 04, 2021
Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Extend Tribal Broadband Application Deadline
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley-the Chair of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds the U.S. Department of the Interior-and Ron Wyden joined their colleagues in introducing the Extending Tribal Broadband Priority Act of 2021, legislation to expand the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC's) 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window. This bill will allow tribal nations and Native Hawaiian organizations the time they need to apply for spectrum licenses for … Continue Reading
April 29, 2021
Senate Passes Wyden and Merkley's Western Tribal Water Infrastructure Act
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Senate today passed a water infrastructure package that includes legislation by U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley to improve water quality and services for tribal communities in Oregon and nationwide. The Wyden and Merkley provisions passed today will authorize $250 million for tribal water infrastructure projects, and will make sure that Native American tribes most in need will be prioritized. "Water is a human right; it should be guaranteed. Native American … Continue Reading
April 29, 2021
Wyden, Markey Introduce GREEN Communications Act to Promote Network Resiliency and Energy Efficiency in Communications Networks
Washington, DC - U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today introduced the Generating Resilient and Energy Efficient Network (GREEN) Communications Act, legislation that will harden our communications networks against climate change and natural disasters, while simultaneously reducing the carbon footprint of communications infrastructure. "Oregonians know first-hand that hardening our communications networks is a life-and-death proposition as supercharged wildfires … Continue Reading
April 28, 2021
Wyden, Merkley: Oregon to Receive More Than $90 Million in Relief for Homeowners
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that Oregon will be allocated more than $90 million in federal assistance from the American Rescue Plan for homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage, home insurance and utility payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. "No one should have to fear losing their home due to circumstances beyond their control, like a global pandemic," Wyden said. "The economic fallout of this public health crisis has underlined just … Continue Reading
April 28, 2021
Wyden, Rubio, Durbin and Boozman Introduce Resolution Condemning Repression of Iranian Baha’i
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Marco Rubio, R-Fla, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and John Boozman, R-Ark., introduced a resolution condemning Iran's government for persecuting the 300,000 members of the Baha'i faith. "Baha'is in Iran should be free to practice their faith safely and peacefully," Wyden said. "But the Iranian government continues to wrongly imprison Baha'i religious leaders and persecute their followers, in violation of Iran's own international commitments. This … Continue Reading
April 27, 2021
Wyden Joins Colleagues to Introduce Legislation to Stop Sexual Harassment in STEM
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden today joined colleagues to introduce legislation that would improve the understanding of factors contributing to sexual harassment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, examine impacts of harassment on individuals and policies to reduce it, and spur interagency efforts to mitigate this harassment. "As the #MeToo movement continues to spotlight, sexual harassment remains all too prevalent in the workplace. Too often, … Continue Reading
April 27, 2021
Wyden Joins Warren to Introduce Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden today joined U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and colleagues to introduce legislation that would ensure every family in Oregon and nationwide has access to high-quality, affordable child care and early learning opportunities by establishing a network of federally-supported, locally administered child care options. "Working families in Oregon and throughout our country face the daunting challenge of soaring child care expenses while trying to make a … Continue Reading
April 27, 2021
Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues Push Plan to Help Long-Term Unemployed Oregonians Get Back to Work
Washington, D.C. - Oregon's U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden-alongside U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and U.S. Representative Andy Levin (D-MI-09)-have introduced the Long-Term Unemployment Elimination Act, legislation to create a subsidized jobs program that would help Americans who have been unemployed long-term finally get back to work. Even before the pandemic hit, over 1 million Americans were looking for work for over six months and could not find a job. That number rose … Continue Reading